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Welcome to the UK's only specialist recruiter exclusively for independent schools.
Founded in 2011 by independent education expert Devra Farhi who still leads the business to this day, we work with independent preparatory, senior, day and boarding schools throughout the UK and beyond.
With personal understanding and exceptional knowledge of the sector, we’ve earned a stellar reputation among our clients for a highly professional, fully tailored service and the ability to find first-class candidates for even the most challenging vacancies, placing more than 800 talented teachers, heads and supporting members of staff to date.

Director of Staffing and Learning, Gordonstoun School

Gordonstoun School has used Harris Hill to source teaching staff on a number of occasions. They have always been prompt, energetic, and always put forth a good choice of candidates; I would be plea...
- Tony Gabb
Headmaster, Gatehouse School

Harris Hill have a great understanding of the independent school sector and over the years have always provided a selection of ideal candidates. Reliable, discerning and consistent; I can highly re...
- Andrew Noakes
Headmaster at Emanuel School

I have been happy to go back to Harris Hill again and again and they have successfully placed several teachers at Emanuel who have gone on to really thrive here. Their success rate, combined with a...
- Mark Hanley-Browne