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We’re delighted to bring you the latest version of our website, refreshed and updated for 2024. It’s a new look but the structure is largely unchanged, so whether you’re a regular visitor or new to the site we hope you’ll have no trouble finding your way around.

If you’d like a brief overview of what we do, you’ll find it on theAbout uspage, highlighting some of the ways in which we can help you. If you’d prefer a little more detail however, read on.

A recruitment agency for independent schools?

It’s unusual, we know. In fact, we’re the only such recruiter in the UK dedicated exclusively to independent schools.

Operating since 2012, we recruit nationwide (and occasionally further afield) for many leading independent preparatory and senior schools, including boarding and day schools, mixed and single-sex institutions. The majority of our vacancies are for teaching staff, ranging from Early Years to 'A' Level subject specialists, heads of department and head teachers, but we also have a strong record of filling non-academic posts such as development or bursary roles.

Working with a specialist recruiter may not be the standard approach in this sector, but as our ever-growing record of successful placements shows, an increasing number of schools and teachers are seeking our help and getting great results from doing so.

Why work with us?

Whether you’re trying to fill a position or find one, it can often become a significantly bigger task than first expected; almost a job in itself. Working with us can lighten the workload, save you time and enhance your prospects of success.

Thanks to our extensive networks within the sector, we can often expand your reach too, introducing talent and opportunities that you may not otherwise encounter.

To explain how, let’s look at each scenario in turn.

Finding your next opportunity

If you’re searching for a new position in an independent school, there are clear advantages to having us in your corner.

  • We can bring you to the attention of more schools, more quickly than you can do so alone.

  • School applications tend to require considerable time and effort, limiting the number you can approach. However, as a registered Harris Hill candidate, we can put you forward – with your permission of course – for a wider range of opportunities more easily, and will often get a sense of the likely response. This may not bypass the application process altogether, but can help to ensure your best efforts are directed where they’re most likely to succeed.

  • Recommending you to a school can improve your chances too, showing that a knowledgeable, trusted specialist has already reviewed your details and believes you're worth their consideration.

  • As a direct applicant, even a superb application and interview leaves you no further forward if it doesn’t actually get you the job.

    However, as a Harris Hill candidate, every strong performance boosts our confidence in putting you forward for more opportunities with a diverse range of excellent schools.

  • Most importantly, you'll benefit from our comprehensive support at every stage of the process.

    From your CV and covering letter to what to say during interviews, and even when you’ve started in the role, you won’t have to do it alone. We’re always available to offer detailed guidance and expertise, and our candidates often cite the tailored, end-to-end support they receive as a key factor in securing a far better job than they imagined possible.

Recruiting for your school

If you’re seeking new staff, we’re perfectly placed to help you, with a network of thousands of talented education professionals across the country, and highly effective methods of reaching more.

However, while job-seekers make their own decision to register with us, as an employer, you’re likely to need agreement from multiple stakeholders if you're hoping to diverge from your school’s established recruitment process.

As such, you’re likely to encounter (or may share) some reservations about working with an agency, around issues such as candidate quality, costs and understanding of the school, so let’s look at five of the most common concerns and misconceptions.

‘An agency might increase the quantity of applicants, but at the expense of quality’

It's an understandable concern, but that won't be your experience with us. We only put applicants forward whom we have interviewed face to face, vetted thoroughly, and found to be a close fit with your requirements.

We’ve built a name for effectiveness, diligence and quality service, but ultimately, our continued existence relies on providing high quality candidates you want to employ, so it serves neither your interests nor ours to deliver anything less.

And in the rare event that such candidates can’t be found, we’ll discuss with you the reasons and potential solutions, in the open and honest manner that characterises our whole approach.

'It’ll be expensive...'

Much as we’d like to, it wouldn’t be possible to provide a service of this quality at zero cost, but our rates are highly competitive and importantly, only charged if we deliver the result you need: successfully filling the position.

If we can't, you pay nothing, making it risk-free to engage our services, which can even run alongside your own recruitment process if preferred.

Fees only enter the equation if it’s one of our candidates you’d like to appoint, and even then, they're significantly offset by the savings made in terms of your own time and resources. Not to mention any costs you would otherwise incur for advertising the role, which is included in our service free of charge.

​'We’ll be put under pressure to accept candidates who aren't quite right for us'

Absolutely not. We do the legwork on your behalf – sourcing candidates, arranging interviews, maintaining communications – and offer our professional advice when requested, but at every stage, the key decisions are yours and yours alone.

You’ll never get the ‘hard sell’ from Harris Hill, because we value long term partnerships over short term fixes. Put simply, we'd much rather you're delighted with the outcome than persuaded to settle for something less, because it's only in the first instance that you might come back to us next time.

'It’s hard to define what makes someone right for our school, but we know immediately when we see it. An agency won’t.'

It's true there's no shortcut to that instinctive understanding that only develops with time, and that's why you're a vital part of the process at every stage.

However we do make extensive efforts to ensure that we fully understand the unique ethos of your school and what makes it distinctive, taking the time to visit where possible, to ask plenty of questions (ideally of several people), and above all, to listen with great care to your requirements.

Finding the right person is never just about ticking the right boxes; it’s about sharing an outlook, values and goals - and our extensive experience in the sector helps us to identify those individuals and schools who not only fit together, but will naturally elevate each other.

'Applicants won’t get the same quality of experience that we deliver ourselves'

We fully appreciate the importance of courtesy, clarity and professionalism both within the sector, and in setting your school apart. So when acting as your representatives, we take our responsibility to reflect your own high standards very seriously indeed.

Our service is carefully tailored to the needs of your school, and here, our size is a real advantage, giving us the agility to adapt our approach as needed to be closely in line with your own.

In every interaction, we take great care to ensure that candidate perceptions of your school are only enhanced, not diminished, by their experience of the recruitment process.

We hope this serves as a useful introduction to our services, and how we can benefit your search for new jobs or new talent. However, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to know more, or would like our advice on a particular recruitment issue, by contacting Devra Farhi on 020 7820 7308 or emailing

Good luck with your search!

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